Our Clubhouse Address :

*Phones are only answered when the clubhouse is open. See below for times.




Courts are booked through the CourtReserve booking tool from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm. Lights shut off at 11:00 pm.

Claude LeBlanc
House League / Special Advisor to Executive

Khine Thinn Club President
Khine Thinn
Club President
Charlene Spinella Operations Manager
Charlene Spinella
Operations Manager
Dana Geber
Dana Geber
Treasurer /Junior Tournaments
Dave McAleer
Dave McAleer
Acting Facilities
Theresa Latour-Holmes
Theresa Latour-Holmes
Jane Meddings
Jane Meddings
Patrick LeBlanc
Pat LeBlanc
Junior Socials / Adult
Claude LeBlanc
House League / Special Advisor to Executive